Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week 27---starting third trimester!!!

We started week 27 on Friday, April 27th, 2012.  After a very busy weekend with the guys, I was feeling the overwhelming pregnant feeling that everyone had been warning me about. Besides the tired and emotional mess, I was feeling huge, my back was killing me and I just really was overwhelmed. I had two doctor appointments this week both on Thursday the 3rd. I first seen the Maternal Fetal Specialist. We did complete baby scans and everything looked amazing!!!! The boys are rapidly growing. Babies are each measuring 2 pounds 4 ounces EACH. He said he can't believe they are the exact same weight and that it is amazing that for 28 weeks, they are within 2% of each other, which is AMAZING. He continued to talk about how beautiful their hearts and brains looked. He said they both are still very proud little boys LOL Baby A had a heart rate of 169 and Baby B had a heart rate of 150. The little stinkers are back to being turned sideways. They were head to head on my left side again, but during the ultrasound, B flipped and so then they were butt to head. my blood pressure was a bit on the
elevated side when we first got there. It was 151/105 which is on the higher side. We had a talk regarding my physical activities during the day, and my work schedule. He said that he would like these babies to stay in as long as possible and doesn't want to risk anything with my blood pressure elevating,
so he would like to see me work only 3 days a week. He recommends that on Tuesday and Thursday I limit my physical activity and make sure that I am putting my feet up, resting and keeping these babies growing strong.And the next big news of the day-------------- CSECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR JULY 16th. So unless something happens before then, that is the official birthday of the boys! They do not operate on the weekends, and said that Friday would be too soon as they can't schedule it earlier than 38 weeks, and I turn 38 weeks on July 14th. So she has me scheduled for 8am csection delivery on July 16th. I have to be at the hospital at 6am.

I am also now going to be going to weekly doctor appointments so they can monitor my blood pressure and the babies heartbeats and growth to make sure everything goes as it is supposed to. So my next appointment with my OB is going to be on 5/10. And my next appointment with the Maternal Fetal Specialist is on the 29th.

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