We started week 18 on Friday, February 24
th. I am choosing to do 2 weeks together again as it really has been uneventful and very relaxing the last two weeks. Everything has gone perfectly and I couldn’t be any happier with how things are going in the pregnancy. I have grown a bit more and can really start to feel movement during the day now. I can tell when they have hiccups and I can pinpoint when they are active during the night. Around 10pm every night they really move and kick. SO I am sure that the first few months at home will be late nights for sure!!!! Good thing one of the daddies is a night owl, so I am sure it will be fun for him! LOL
We started week 19 on Friday, March 2nd. My appetite has slowed back down again and nothing major really has happened or changed. I feel full so much faster than I used to. And when I do over eat what I am used to, my stomach is not happy and I end up feeling like crap for a few hours. I honestly am to a point now where I loathe having to drink water. Though I continue to down it like I will be soon running out of it. I forget how much water you have to drink during pregnancy and it gets to a point where I never want to see it again! But, it is much needed, so I continue to drink and drink and drink. Which then makes me have to pee, pee and pee some more. And always at night when I am sleeping. I have always had a very strong bladder, and now, I am up every few hours peeing. It isn’t fun, but comes with the territory!!!
Here is some info on Weeks 18
WOOHOO! We have two more ounces of amazing baby this week!
Your super-cute uterus hi-jacker is smack in the middle of a growth spurt!
Oh and guess what? They're also all slathered in a greasy, waxy, cheese-like substance known as vernix caseosa.
Yeah, it sounds pretty nasty, but the mixture of fatty secretions covers your little swimmer from head to toe and protects their paper-thin skin from bruising, abrasions, and chapping caused by amniotic fluid exposure.
And then there's the birthing process, right? You know, where you have to push something the size of a watermelon out a hole the size of a grape.
Well, that adorable little greased piglet would have a lot harder time getting through the birth canal if they didn't have that greasy vernix caseosa slip-n-sliding them out of your hyper-extended birth canal.
Week 19:
Your favorite womb-hijacker is suddenly huge, at 10 inches in length!
Pick your jaw off the floor mama. Yes, your wee baby IS bigger this week, but only because we're now able to measure their little legs which have straightened out enough to be measured accurately.
Just in case the random medical details weren't confusing enough already, it's standard practice to measure fetuses from head to toe in the second half of pregnancy, rather than from crown to rump as we did in the first half.
Week 20 is actually when most people transition the measurement over, but we thought you'd appreciate knowing a week early.
This week your lil' fetus will start digesting the extremely appetizing diet of amniotic fluid and baby wee, as they are now capable of swallowing, digesting, and passing the fluid as far as their tiny "large" intestines.
Fortunately for you, the solid waste by-products will build up slowly into a tarry lump of baby-poop and won't be coming out while they're still in your womb.
Some time shortly after your tiny poop factory is born, this fun lump will become the first in a verrrrry long production line of baby poops.
What finally comes out - commonly known as "meconium" to the science world, will be black and sticky. By the time you're done dealing with their tar poops, you'll be relieved to see that first sweet-smelling-but-runny breastmilk poop.