Monday, April 9, 2012


Week 17:
Baby A face and profile picture
This week was quite eventful. Week 17 started on Friday, February 17th. On Tuesday, the 21st, I had both of my appointments with my doctors. I first went to the Maternal Fetal Specialist. This guy is amazing. I not only love his sense of humor, but he is very good at what he does. It isn’t often that I am excited to actually go to the doctor, but with him, I am excited to go. He makes the appointment fun and really has enjoyed watching the twins develop as they grow. He constantly made comments about how perfect the babies are. He at one point even made a comment about how amazing their brains looked, which is FAB news!!! But of course, they have such brilliant daddies, so I expect they too will be very smart children.
We also found out that both babies are BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was secretly hoping for at least one girl, just so they would have one of each. But, to have both boys is really neat. They both measured in at 7 ounces, which is exactly what a baby at this age should be. And for being twins, it was even better because that means they are staying right on track of growth, which is very good news.
Here are pictures from the ultrasound:

Baby A profile

Baby B profile and face

Baby A and Baby B feet

Baby B---ITS A BOY and sucking thumb

Baby B ITS A BOY and Baby A feet

He kept sucking his thumb, it was quite cute!


Then I went downstairs at the clinic to my regular OB appointment. I am finally having good blood pressure numbers, which is very good news as well. Everything looks great and the babies sounded perfect on the Doppler. They also measured me and I am now measuring at 30 weeks, which is weird, because I don’t feel 30 weeks pregnant. I am showing, but nothing huge. People comment all of the time on how small I am for carrying twins, but hey, I am okay with not gaining too much weight! I am right on track for all of that stuff, so all good here!!!!

Twin Pregnancy Week 17
By week 17 of your twin pregnancy your babies are capable of swallowing, blinking and sucking.
They are very active and you may feel them more now.
Your babies ears start to pop out. Their necks are getting longer. Their eyes are still shut at this time.
At this stage twins' heartbeats should be heard by a doppler. Some of your antibodies are beginning to get transferred to your babies.
Mothers better relax and take it easy. For a twin pregnancy, if you carry to term, you are about half way there!

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