Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 33

We started week 33 on Friday, June 8th, 2012.  My doctors appointment was scheduled for Wednesday, June 13th with my OB.

BEST APPOINTMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! She said she is so proud of how everything looks and if things continue in this positive of a direction, making it to July 16th won’t be an issue at all!!!
My blood pressure was perfect again (130/79), Baby A’s heartbeat was 139 and Baby B’s heartbeat was 135. They both moved like crazy during the appointment and she said that they look amazing. She was very happy with everything and said that this is exactly what she wants to see!!!!
So YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rest must be helping!!! Just a few short weeks left until we meet these two little guys!!!
I go back next Thursday for my next appointment with her and she said she hopes that everything looks this great then as well. Then on Tuesday the 26th we go back for our final baby scans to see how they are growing and estimated weights and such. Everything is almost done!
Here is info on week 33:

How your baby's growing:

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week 32

We started week 32 on Friday, June 1st! We had just one doctor's appointment this week and that was on Tuesday, June 5th.

I had to do another non-stress test today....those things seem like SUCH a waste of time...but I know why they do it. According to the doctor, if anything is going to be caught early, they can catch it in these stress tests. THey monitor the babies movements, heartbeats and my uterine contractions (which I am not having any). But she said this is the way that if something becomes wrong with one of the babies, they will be able to catch it by seeing how they are doing 2 times a week. So I went today and I have to go back on Friday for another one. She is very worried that I will go early.....but the other doctor thinks we are just fine. I hate that they don't agree....but I think her issue is that her experiences with twins are that they usually come early. But the other doctor has seen MANY more cases than she has and has way more experience than she does. So I honestly trust his opinion more than my OB.

Baby A (who is head down in my pelvis) is the most active of the two, that kid just doesn't stop moving!!!! Gonna be a dancer or something LOL Baby B who is feet down, head up in my ribs is a bit more relaxed and calm, and sort of just hangs out in there. He moves..and moves a lot. But his brother is just much more of a mover! She said they both looked great again today, heartbeats are exactly what they should be for an hour period. No contractions which is perfect. And both of them moved PLENTY during the hour I was hooked up. She said that is the biggest concerns in multiple pregnancies, that the babies don't move, and that is when there is usually a problem going on. So she said that as long as they keep moving around, everything is good.My next appointment is on Wednesday of next week with my OB. Oh---blood pressure today was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was super happy about that!

Week 32 info:
 Your twins' arms, legs and bodies continue to fill out and are finally in proportion to their heads. By 32 weeks, each twin weighs about 1.7kg (3.7lb) and looks very like a newborn. They measure about 42cm (16.5in) each from crown to toe.

You may notice that your twins aren't moving around as much this month. Don't worry, they're just running out of space in your uterus (womb). As long as you can feel them squirming, you'll know they're fine. Believe it or not, they still have some growing to do. You can expect them to gain at least 600 grams (1.5lb) more before they're born.

Your twins' organs are continuing to mature and they are passing large amounts of water through their bladders, which is good practice for weeing once they're born. Your babies have periods of dream sleep by this stage, and will continue to do so once they're born.

Some babies have a full head of hair, others have only a few wisps. Thick hair at birth doesn't necessarily mean thick hair later on.

Your twins should already be getting ready for birth by turning upside-down, with their heads pointing downwards. Your doctor or midwife will be paying careful attention to your twins' position in the coming weeks. Some babies do turn back round again.

Your twins' skulls are still quite pliable and not completely joined, in part so they can ease out of the relatively narrow birth canal. But the bones in the rest of their bodies are hardening. Their skin is also gradually becoming less red and wrinkled.

If you don't already talk to your twins, this is a good time to start. By now their hearing is much more developed. Newborns pay closer attention to high-pitched tones.

Your bump will be big now, and you may find it attracts a lot of attention! If you're starting to feel fed up with being pregnant, remind yourself of why it's great to be expecting twins.

Week 31

We started week 31 on Friday, May 25th, 2012. We had just one doctor's appointment this week on the 29th with the Maternal Fetal Specialist.

Babies are doing AMAZING!! Baby A is full head down, resting on my pelvic bone and pushing on my bladder full force. His heartbeat was 152 and he weighs about 3 pounds 12 ounces. He is the shorter of the two babies but the more active. His brother is breech, head clear up in my ribs, feet down kicking his brother in the head. His heartbeat was also 152 and he weighs in at 3 pounds 11 ounces. They are within 3% of each other which the doctor said at 31 weeks is perfect. There are no issues with cervix or fluid or placentas. And he said he sees no reason that we can't make it to 38 weeks. My next scheduled appointment with him is June 26th!!

Here are some ultrasound pictures:

Here is some info on week 31:


Your abdomen swells and your rib cage and pelvis may be sore as the baby gets bigger and fills up all the space you have available. While it is really great that your baby is gaining weight and growing strong, you may be in line for different discomforts at this stage of the game, like heartburn and leg cramps.
A few women will breeze by even this phase of pregnancy without any discomforts. This does not mean that your body isn't preparing for birth. It could be pain tolerance levels, exercise and agility levels and many other factors. So, count your blessings if you fall into this category!


You may worry that if you are breathless from walking or sometimes even just sitting that your baby is in danger. This is not true. Your baby is getting plenty of oxygen from your placenta.
The baby's irises can now dilate and contract in response to light. Due to the deposits of white fat underneath the skin the baby's skin is no longer red but pink, and your baby weighs about three pounds and five ounces (1.5 kilograms). The finger nails may reach the end of the hands.

Week 30

We started week 30 on Friday, May 18th, 2012. This is our first official day on bed rest. I am no longer going to be waking up every morning for work, which is very weird. I did still have to get up this morning as it was the kids' last day of school and I had to go into work to talk to them regarding the bed rest. I don't feel as though they are supportive of the situation like I thought they might be. But I guess it is hard to be understanding when I am going through all of this and don't have babies at the end as "reward". But in my eyes, this is MUCH more rewarding.

Here is a belly shot of week 30:

We had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday the 24th. The appointment with the doctor went fine. Baby A heartbeat was 145 and Baby B was 150. She said I looked good. My blood pressure was a bit on the higher side again, not near what it was last week, but she wanted me to go in for a Non-stress test. This is where they hook you up to all the monitors and watch the babies movements and their heart rates to make sure that they are not under any type of stress. The entire process takes an hour. So Ryan and I had to go across the street, back into the hospital, where they hooked me up to the monitors. We sat for an hour while they did everything. She said they looked amazing and she couldn't be happier with how they are doing. She said right now every week is very important in keeping them in, so she wants to do these non-stress tests as much as possible, every 3-4 days to make sure that nothing will change. So on Tuesday before my appointment with the other doctor for the baby scans, I have to go back and do another one of these non-stress tests. We did talk about the situation with me living an hour away and it being difficult to just drive up for that, as an hour appointment turns into 3 hours total for me with the drive. So she said she was fine with doing the test once a week when I come for my weekly appointments. So other than that, she said everything looked great. And I go back on Tuesday for my big scans of the twins to see how they are growing.

Here is some info on week 30:


Your posture is still very important to your comfort. Maintaining a good posture is a good way to decrease the strain on your body as your center of gravity continues to change.
One of the things that you can do to help maintain your energy levels and to increase your stamina for the birth is to exercise. It is important not to over do it, especially if you have not been exercising prior to this week. Try taking walks or swimming short distances. Getting out and stretching will help you have feel better and reduce the numbers of pregnancy related complaints.


Baby is very aware of the surroundings. We tend to think of the uterus as a dark place, but it can be light and dark depending on the mother's environment. You may be able to distinguish sleep and wake cycles in your baby. Although it usually seems as if the baby wants to sleep while you are awake and vice versa at night.
If you are having Braxton Hicks Contractions use them to practice what you've learned in childbirth class, and know that they are a sign that your body is getting ready for labor.
Baby weighs a whopping 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms)! S/he measures about 14.8 inches (37.5 cms) in length.

Week 29

 We started week 29 on Friday, May 11th, 2012. We had one scheduled doctor's appointment on the 17th.  I haven’t been feeling well yesterday or this morning. Get there and my blood pressure was sky rocketing...and she became concerned. She had me pee in the cup and said that the results came back a bit on the not good side, that protein was spilling, not a lot but enough to make her even more concerned. She also said she thought I looked a bit puffy...something I didn’t agree with, but she is the dr, so I didn’t argue. She sent me across the street for 24 hour monitoring. I got over there, and after a few hours, they got my blood pressure stabalized, the babies were PERFECT, and so they said there was no reason to keep me overnight and that I could go home to rest. However, I have to pee all night into this big jug thing and take it back up to St. Luke’s tomorrow after 24 hours is up. That should tell them whether things are headed in a very bad direction, or if things today were just a bit off. She said that the babies were amazing and they were nice and snug in there and there were no signs that they wanted out early. So I am on full bedrest until further notice. She said that this will keep the stress level down, keeping my blood pressure low and keeping things normal for me. So no more work for right now. I have to go back next week to her and see her again to see how things are going. She said that if my blood pressure still isn’t cooperating, then I would up my medication to a higher dosage and see her twice a week instead of once.
 She said the hard thing right now is that I could flip on no notice and have to go have the babies. So she wants me to take as much rest and care of these two as I can, which of course, I will and have been.

 So officially we are on full bed rest as of now. I also will continue to go to the doctor's appointments on a weekly basis to continue to monitor everything.  Here is some quick info on week 29:

Your babies' brains are in full control of breathing and body temperature by now. They are about 15-16 inches long from head to toe and weight about 2.5 lbs.
By week 29, your baby twins digestive system should be fully functional.
As space is becoming sacred, your twins' movements begin to slow down.  There is not much room for manoeuvring. 
It is funny, but you may actually see your babies' head or buttocks sticking out of your stomach!

Week 28

We started week 28 on May 4th, 2012. We had one doctor's appointment on May 10th.
Everything went great at the blood pressure was one of the lowest it has ever been and she said that the rest must be helping!!! Baby A had a heart rate of 146 and Baby B had a heart rate of 143. Everything looked great she said and I go back next Thursday for another check up!!!
Everything else was pretty much routine this week, nothing out of the ordinary. 

Week 27---starting third trimester!!!

We started week 27 on Friday, April 27th, 2012.  After a very busy weekend with the guys, I was feeling the overwhelming pregnant feeling that everyone had been warning me about. Besides the tired and emotional mess, I was feeling huge, my back was killing me and I just really was overwhelmed. I had two doctor appointments this week both on Thursday the 3rd. I first seen the Maternal Fetal Specialist. We did complete baby scans and everything looked amazing!!!! The boys are rapidly growing. Babies are each measuring 2 pounds 4 ounces EACH. He said he can't believe they are the exact same weight and that it is amazing that for 28 weeks, they are within 2% of each other, which is AMAZING. He continued to talk about how beautiful their hearts and brains looked. He said they both are still very proud little boys LOL Baby A had a heart rate of 169 and Baby B had a heart rate of 150. The little stinkers are back to being turned sideways. They were head to head on my left side again, but during the ultrasound, B flipped and so then they were butt to head. my blood pressure was a bit on the
elevated side when we first got there. It was 151/105 which is on the higher side. We had a talk regarding my physical activities during the day, and my work schedule. He said that he would like these babies to stay in as long as possible and doesn't want to risk anything with my blood pressure elevating,
so he would like to see me work only 3 days a week. He recommends that on Tuesday and Thursday I limit my physical activity and make sure that I am putting my feet up, resting and keeping these babies growing strong.And the next big news of the day-------------- CSECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR JULY 16th. So unless something happens before then, that is the official birthday of the boys! They do not operate on the weekends, and said that Friday would be too soon as they can't schedule it earlier than 38 weeks, and I turn 38 weeks on July 14th. So she has me scheduled for 8am csection delivery on July 16th. I have to be at the hospital at 6am.

I am also now going to be going to weekly doctor appointments so they can monitor my blood pressure and the babies heartbeats and growth to make sure everything goes as it is supposed to. So my next appointment with my OB is going to be on 5/10. And my next appointment with the Maternal Fetal Specialist is on the 29th.

Week 26

We started week 26 on Friday, April 20th, 2012.  Nothing really has changed in the last week, movement is still good. I am feeling pretty good other than tired. Here is a belly shot from week 26:

This weekend was a HUGE weekend for all involved in this journey.  The parents came to visit!!! They flew into Omaha on Friday the 20th. This was their first time in Omaha, so they explored and enjoyed all that Omaha had to offer. On Saturday the 21st, Ryan and the kids and myself drove to Omaha to meet up with them at the zoo. We spent all day with them, exploring the animals. This was the first time that the parents got to meet my children, so it was so much fun to see them interact with them and my first time to really see how they would be with kids. It was such an amazing time!! The weather was perfect, the kids were on their (almost LOL) best behavior. And we really just enjoyed everything!!!!  Here are some pictures from the zoo:

On the left is E with Lili---and on below is R with both Damon and Lili.

After the zoo visit, they drove to Sioux City to be there for the rest of the trip. Ryan and I brought the kids home for the remainder of the night. Sunday morning we drove to Sioux City bright and early to have breakfast with the guys. We ate at Black Bear Diner and it was SOOO yummy!!! Here is our group picture that the waitress took-- E and R are on the left with Lili. And me, Damon and Ryan are on the right. The food was sooo good and we were so full after we left.

After breakfast, we headed to our maternity photo shoot. We had 3 full hours with an amazing photographer. Her studio is called Photography by Meyer--- Photography by Meyer   Lili and I both got our hair and makeup done before hand. She took a bunch of amazing pictures. Once I have the pics, I will upload those to share.

After the photo shoot, we all met up for supper with Ryan and I's family at Perkins. Everyone came to meet the guys and it was so amazing to see everyone together.  My mom and dad both came. As did my brother and his wife and little girl. My sister couldn't make it as she had to work. Ryan's mom came as well as his sister and her husband and their two little girls. The party room was packed and it was full of laughter and talk of family and fun. Here are some pictures:

Top is us all hanging out while our food was being prepared. The picture to the left is a group shot that we had taken.  I will treasure this picture forever!!!!!

After supper was finished, everyone had to head back home. Including us. The guys hung out in Sioux City for the night, checking out the places where their sons would be born and such.  On Monday morning, everyone headed back to work, while I drove back to Sioux City. We had a 9am appointment for a 3D ultrasound at my clinic. Sadly, we spent an hour in the room trying to get good pictures of the babies, and got NOTHING!! I was sooooo bummed!!! I wanted the guys to have one of those awesome dvd's full of pictures and videos of their boys to treasure forever. After the appointment, the guys had to drive back to Omaha to get on their flights. I had to drive back home and get back to work. The weekend was amazing and I am so glad that they were able to spend some time with me pregnant and see my belly and meet my family. The next time they will be here will be to bring their sons into the world. So I am glad they got this opportunity to come early to spend time with us all!!!! It was a weekend full of amazing memories and I will never forget it! And I can't wait to get my maternity pictures back to share!

Here is some info on week 26:

Week Twenty Six: Second trimester ends this week

You are 26 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 23 weeks)
  • The baby measures 14 inches long and weighs over 1.7 pound.
  • Baby measures 35.5cm long and weighs over 760 grams.
  • The feet are 2 inches (5cm) long. Hands are very active.
  • The baby's eyes begin to open around this time.
26 weeks handsThe fetus makes breathing movements, but there is no air in the lungs yet. Hands are active and muscle coordination is such that they can get a thumb into the mouth. Thumb sucking calms the baby and strengthens the cheek and jaw muscles.

The fetal brain scan will show response to touch. Touching and playing with the baby is possible now, as they may respond to your touch through your belly wall. Brain growth continues with brain wave activity for the visual and auditory systems starting to develop. Baby is probably very active in the womb, as the most active weeks are typically between weeks 24 and 28.

26 weeks footYou may begin feeling your belly tighten and relax at odd moments or irregular intervals. These are Braxton Hicks contractions. They are painless and help the uterus prepare for the birth. Many babies have developed a predictable routine for sleep and active periods. Twins may have entirely different routines from each other.

If your back is feeling the strain of your growing belly, try doing some pelvic rocks to relax it. Stand with your back against the wall, knees slightly bent. As you inhale a breath, press the small of your back against the wall. Exhale and relax your back. You may be experiencing shortness of breath as the uterus is very close to the rib cage at this stage. Some moms are not able to fully expand their rib cages; however, this does not negatively affect the baby in any way.

The end of week 26 marks the end of month six, which is the last month of the second trimester.

Week 25

We started week 25 of the pregnancy on Friday, April 13th, 2012.  Everything during this week went smoothly and exactly as it should be going. I am feeling a lot more movement and can't believe how small I really am. People comment all the time on how small my belly is for having twins. Both boys are still laying sideways across my belly.  I am very excited because in just a week, the dads will both be here in Iowa to see my family, go to the 3D ultrasound and take our maternity photos!!!! I can't wait for them to see Iowa and really get the feel for how this pregnancy is going in real life, instead of just pictures on an email.

Here is some info on week 25:

Week Twenty Five: Exploration continues

You are 25 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 23 weeks)
  • The unborn child is 34 cm in length and weighs almost 690 grams.
  • Baby is around 13.5 inches in length and weighs 1 and half pounds.
  • Bones are becoming solid, hands are now fully developed.
  • The brain is growing rapidly, the brain cells are starting to mature.
  • The sexual organs are fully developed.
Baby is now pretty well built portion wise even though it still has little body fat and its skin is thin. The structures of the spine begin to form -- All 33 rings, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments. The tiny brain is growing rapidly, and the baby is starting to fill the space in your uterus. The uterus is now about the size of a soccer ball and mom looks pregnant.

Twins 25 weeksYour baby's hands are now fully developed, although some of the nerve connections to the hands have a long way to go. Dexterity is improving. Your baby can make a fist and clasp objects placed in palm. Exploring the structures inside your uterus may have become baby's prime entertainment. Fascinated by the amount of tactile stimulation a fetus gives itself; it touches a hand to the face, one hand to the other hand, clasps its feet, touches its foot to its leg, its hand to its umbilical cord. Twins will explore each other and begin their bonding.

Blood vessels of the lungs develop. Your baby's nostrils begin to open. The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now. Their swallowing reflexes are developing. Baby can hear sounds outside the womb and the brain cells are starting to mature also. Already it can learn and remember and can recognise its mother and fathers voice. The inner ear bones have hardened so hearing is more acute. Baby may hear your partner's voice more easily than yours, as baby is sensitive to a deeper pitch.

Babies born at 25 weeks of pregnancy have about a 50% chance of survival.