Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week 29

 We started week 29 on Friday, May 11th, 2012. We had one scheduled doctor's appointment on the 17th.  I haven’t been feeling well yesterday or this morning. Get there and my blood pressure was sky rocketing...and she became concerned. She had me pee in the cup and said that the results came back a bit on the not good side, that protein was spilling, not a lot but enough to make her even more concerned. She also said she thought I looked a bit puffy...something I didn’t agree with, but she is the dr, so I didn’t argue. She sent me across the street for 24 hour monitoring. I got over there, and after a few hours, they got my blood pressure stabalized, the babies were PERFECT, and so they said there was no reason to keep me overnight and that I could go home to rest. However, I have to pee all night into this big jug thing and take it back up to St. Luke’s tomorrow after 24 hours is up. That should tell them whether things are headed in a very bad direction, or if things today were just a bit off. She said that the babies were amazing and they were nice and snug in there and there were no signs that they wanted out early. So I am on full bedrest until further notice. She said that this will keep the stress level down, keeping my blood pressure low and keeping things normal for me. So no more work for right now. I have to go back next week to her and see her again to see how things are going. She said that if my blood pressure still isn’t cooperating, then I would up my medication to a higher dosage and see her twice a week instead of once.
 She said the hard thing right now is that I could flip on no notice and have to go have the babies. So she wants me to take as much rest and care of these two as I can, which of course, I will and have been.

 So officially we are on full bed rest as of now. I also will continue to go to the doctor's appointments on a weekly basis to continue to monitor everything.  Here is some quick info on week 29:

Your babies' brains are in full control of breathing and body temperature by now. They are about 15-16 inches long from head to toe and weight about 2.5 lbs.
By week 29, your baby twins digestive system should be fully functional.
As space is becoming sacred, your twins' movements begin to slow down.  There is not much room for manoeuvring. 
It is funny, but you may actually see your babies' head or buttocks sticking out of your stomach!

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