Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 36

We started week 36 on Friday, June 29th.  At this point, I go back and forth from not wanting to be done and wanting to be done!!!!  I can't breathe, it's hard to walk, I can't sleep, my nausea and heartburn are killing my appetite. I pee constantly and feel like I am always going to be this huge.

But when I slow down, there are moments when I cherish the lives growing inside of me. I don't ever want it to end. I love feeling them move, watching my belly swell while they grow. I love to be pregnant, and I am going to miss it very much when it is over.  We are facing delivery soon. Our scheduled csection is set for Monday, July 16th. The guys plan on flying in that Friday the 13th and spending the weekend with my family and I. I am excited for them to get to see me this far along, and feel their sons moving inside. I can't wait to get pictures with them feeling their children through my belly.

I have a doctors appointment scheduled for the 6th of July. It will just be a quick check up and we will officially be 37 weeks that day. I am excited to make it to 38 weeks with twins. It would be amazing to say I cooked them for so long!!!!  Especially when there were times during this pregnancy that they didn't think I would make it this far. I think having the bedrest helped take the pressure off of my body. I was able to rest and let them grow.  Let's hope for a great 37 week checkup!

Here is my week 36 belly pictures:

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