Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Beta….

Monday morning after receiving yet another positive pee stick, I knew that I could get in for an early beta. I called my doctor’s office and explained that I had gotten multiple positive pregnancy tests and wanted to get in to get my quantative beta done. She said they could do that and to go up to the hospital at noon and they would be ready.

I went up there at noon and they drew my blood. The nurse was a little rough, and I was not happy about it. I hate when they are rough because then it bruises my arm and it looks horrible! But they got what they needed and said they would fax the results when they came in.
Our SMO group for November is the November Ninjas

I seen the fax show up at work around 2:30 or so. I literally sat there for a few minutes in shock, not wanting to open it. I was scared of what there would be. Scared it would be a fluke and it wouldn’t be very high. But also a fear of how high it could be for as early as the results I was getting on the pee sticks.

So I quickly printed it…I started getting butterflies in my stomach, I haven’t been that nervous in a while!!! I flipped over the paper on my way back to my desk so I didn’t look at it. I sat down, and just stared at the blank back of the sheet. Quickly I flipped it over…..and gasped….63.6!!! That is higher than our first beta draw with the positive transfer in May! And we were like 10 or 12 days past last time. I immediately emailed the guys and let them know. They were so excited!!!! They emailed back and asked the probability of twins….the thought finally hit me….TWINS. Holy cow….

The thought never occurred to me that there could be more than one in there. So of course, to Google I go to research. After reading tons of stuff on infertility and transfers and IVF, it seems that getting a beta done at 7dp3dt isn’t something that normally happens. So I guess I will just enjoy the fact that I am indeed pregnant….and there is a good possibility there is twins. My next beta is scheduled for Wednesday at noon again. That is really where things are going to get interesting based on the doubling rate and all that good stuff.

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