Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pee sticks….

I knew that I was going to be testing with this transfer. I had purchased three normal home pregnancy tests, two digital pregnancy tests and 25 cheapie internet test strips. With the cheap ones, you can test early, and not feel bad about spending so much money on each test. So with the pressure building, I peed for the first time on Thursday, only 3dp3dt (three days past the three day transfer). Of course it was negative….if it had two lines, I probably would have fainted!!!   

Friday I tested again, in the morning and in the afternoon. Again, both tests were negative. Saturday I decided to hold off. We had my son’s wrestling tournament in the morning, which lasted until 4pm. So I peed at noon at the tournament, and because our schedule was so hectic, I ended up not going again until I got home. At that point, I figured to hell with it and grabbed another test strip. I got my kids through their showers, and finally had some alone time in the bathroom. I took the strip out and to my surprise, I SWEAR there was a second line. It was very, VERY, faint. I couldn’t even get a picture of it. I kept it quiet, thinking maybe it was just an evap line.
So Sunday morning, at 6dp3dt, I took the digital test. And to my surprise----it was POSITIVE! I about fell over!!! I couldn’t believe that the digital was actually showing positive so early! I took one of the good tests later in the afternoon, and it had two beautiful lines. 

I couldn’t hold in the joy..the happiness that I felt. So I emailed the guys. I told them we had to chat that night. But they were out, and it would be late before they got back. So I emailed them the picture of the YES+ that was on the test. They were ESTATIC!!! I was over the moon, but again, very cautious because we had been here before, just not this early!

So first thing Monday morning….I peed again! Knowing it would be positive, but fearful that maybe something had gone wrong and the tests weren’t right. But again, two lines came up rather quickly! So I knew that this time had worked…and because of the early test results, I figured…can’t hurt to get a beta done!!!

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